Young Boy Sends Baby Yoda To Firefighters Braving Wildfires In Heartwarming Gesture

With the worst fires in the history of America, a young boy wanted to show firefighters that they were being thought of.

He may be only 5 years of age but Oregon resident, Carver decided to send some love to the brave firefighters after spotting a Baby Yoda toy at the store.


Baby Yoda

His grandmother, Sasha Tinning, took him shopping to pick out donations for a firefighter supply drive. The doll, a character from Disney’s “The Mandalorian,” was the last of its kind on the shelf, and Carver instantly asked Sasha if he could get it for the firefighters as it would make a great friend for them.

“They thought the firemen needed him,” said Tyler Eubanks, a family friend. “Carver wanted to put a smile on their faces, and [he] hope[d] giving Yoda a hug would bring them comfort when they are away from home.”

Firefighter donation drive


Carver added a handwritten note with it placed it in the donation pile. “Thank you, firefighters,” it read. “Here is a friend for you, in case you get lonely. Love, Carver.” The supplies were delivered to Marcus Kauffman of the Oregon Department of Forestry, and it didn’t take long for Carver’s unique contribution to make a huge impact.

“The note travels with Baby Yoda, and it goes from fire to fire. So we just pass it around,” Marcus explained. “Baby Yoda is a source of light and the force in the world.”


The firefighters loved the gift, “They thought it was so awesome,” Tyler said, “and [they] wanted to keep passing Yoda along.” Tyler started a Facebook group to track Baby Yoda’s progress and more than 12,000 people have followed the page to keep up with his journey from blaze to blaze. Tyler says it’s “just like an actual wildfire.”


“These men and woman are out there for weeks and months away from their families. It truly gives them something to smile about and be a part of.” Carver is happy that it is touching the hearts of so many brave heroes on the front lines.


“These ash-covered firefighters, just covered from head to foot, holding this Baby Yoda. Every one of those pictures just makes my heart warm,” his grandma said. “He thought … if they needed a friend, because all of them are away from their families right now.”

Verse of the Day

“Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, “Anyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.””

Mark 9:35


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