Mom Heeds Stranger’s Comment About Her Baby and Saves His Life

A stranger’s attentive observation and timely warning at a Florida theme park helped a mom save her infant son’s life.

baby with alagille syndrome
Courtesy: Sarah Love

God speaks to us in many ways – through His Word, through prayer, through other believers, and sometimes through complete strangers. In this story, He used a kind-hearted firefighter to deliver an urgent message to a family about their baby’s health.

In July, Sarah and Micah Love took their six children for their first family outing with six-week-old son Lincoln at a theme park near Lake Alfred, Florida.

During their visit, Sarah noticed a man watching her baby but didn’t think much of it.

Later, the man, who introduced himself as a firefighter from a nearby county, approached them with concern about Lincoln’s jaundiced appearance. His gentle warning prompted the family to take action.

The firefighter’s observation matched Sarah’s own worries about Lincoln’s health. Though their pediatrician had only suggested sunlight exposure for his yellow skin tone, Sarah called the doctor’s office after the encounter. They advised her to take Lincoln to a local hospital for blood work right away.

Lincoln’s condition proved serious, requiring immediate transfer to Nemours Children’s Hospital in Orlando. The family endured weeks of uncertainty and multiple incorrect diagnoses.

Sarah described their experience: “It felt like the carpet had been ripped up from underneath us.” The situation proved especially difficult because their five older children had all been born healthy.

On July 30, doctors finally diagnosed Lincoln with Alagille syndrome, a genetic disorder that affects less than 50,000 people in the United States.

Dr. Roberto Gomez, the pediatric gastroenterologist at Nemours who helped diagnose Lincoln, explained that this condition affects mainly the liver and heart.

The syndrome causes several symptoms including yellow skin from liver damage, trouble gaining weight, deep-set eyes, and a small, pointed chin. These signs had been present since Lincoln’s birth.

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Courtesy: Sarah Love

Lincoln will need ongoing medical care throughout his life, including help from a nutritionist and various medications. The condition often causes severe itching that doesn’t always respond to treatment.

Dr. Gomez praised the Love family’s dedication, saying, “He has great support. That helps a lot. They have worked as a team with us.”

Sarah now shares their story to spread awareness about Alagille syndrome and hopes to find the firefighter who helped save Lincoln.

Her heartfelt message to him speaks volumes: “I don’t think there are enough words that can honestly describe how thankful our family is. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

In this story, we see God’s perfect timing in helping a mother who worried about her baby’s health. He sent a stranger with medical knowledge to confirm her concerns and push the family toward getting help – a decision that saved Lincoln’s life.

Every time we see God’s hand moving in someone’s life, it strengthens our faith and reminds us to be watchful for ways He might use us to help others. Let’s keep Lincoln and his family in our prayers as they navigate this journey with Alagille syndrome.

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Verse of the Day

““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:8-9