3-Year-Old Sells Lemonade To Help Babies And Mothers In Need

A 3-year-old girl is helping her North Carolina community with her lemonade stand.


Ava Lewis and her mother Maggie Lewis, are selling gallons of lemonade at her stand outside her mom’s hair salon, The Lather Lounge. She is now recognized as an important person in her city of Durham whenever she is out in public.


They sold enough lemonade to achieve Ava’s goal of buying baby supplies for children in need. Mom Lewis said, “I said I was going to retire at 40,” Lewis said, “I guess Ava is going to have me retire sooner than that. People have been popping up even when we close.”


Ava has sold enough lemonade to buy baby wipes and diapers for children in need. She and her mom delivered many boxes of supplies to the Good Samaritan Inn, which is a homeless shelter for women and mothers with children, run by the Durham Rescue Mission.

“It just means the world to us to see a young person…that is thinking of others,” said Inn director Gail Mills. “It just makes my day. Such a heartwarming experience to meet little Ava and to see how her mother is teaching her at such a young age to care for others and to share her blessing with people who are having a hard time.”


It has made our day too to read about enterprising little Ava Lewis who has a heart for helping the little destitute children and women in need.

Verse of the Day

““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:8-9