Classmate Helps Autistic Boy Fulfill His Dream Of Becoming Prom King

Liberty High School in Las Vegas, Nevada is being seen as a beacon of hope in today’s world as it celebrated Edgar Hernandez, a kid with special needs and made him prom king.

Edgar’s classmates, did their best to put him on prom’s royal court, but he missed the four prom court spots by just a few votes.

This is when his classmate Shaun Mabanta came in and decided to give up his own spot, so Edgar can have a shot at it.

Once Edgar got his spot, Shaun used his own popularity to rally behind him and even put up “Edgar for Prom King” posters all over school.


One of Liberty High School’s students with autism, Edgar, was nominated for prom court. When he didn’t make it, another boy, Shaun, quietly stepped down and requested Edgar be put on the court. It was then people started campaigning “Edgar for Prom King” and tonight the most magical thing happened. Watch the magic unfold….

THIS is what life is all about. Being loved for being exactly who you are. I’ve never been so proud of my student body.

#autism #humankindness #promking #kindness

Posted by Ashlee Miller VanEss on Saturday, March 16, 2019

In the viral video that’s now making rounds, we can see Edgar’s name being called for prom king and his classmates cheering for him.

All of Shaun’s efforts paid off, as Edgar walked up to the stage, teary eyed and accepted it graciously.

He also danced around with his queen surrounded by their friends who shone light on him from their cell phones.

Shaun got teary eyed, when Edgar’s name was announced as all his efforts finally paid off and he couldn’t believe that such a small act could make a huge difference.

Edgar, when asked how he felt, said he will never forget this beautiful night and said,  ‘special, I feel special.”

Ashlee Miller VanEss, who posted this video on Facebook added that she’s never been so proud of the student body, and for people to be loved for exactly who they are, that’s what life is about.

Indeed, people with special needs care often left out from such activities, but Shaun, here has set a perfect example of how a beautiful and kind gesture can impact and change someone’s life.

Verse of the Day

““But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.””

Jeremiah 17:7-8