Young Boy with Autism Helps Save His Father and Brother After They Fall Off Cliff

A 12-year-old Boy Scout named Louis Miklovic, who has autism, emerged as an unexpected hero when he helped rescue his father and younger brother after they fell 80 feet from a cliff during their family camping trip at Washington State Park.

autistic boy saves father and brother

When we feel limited by our abilities or circumstances, God often chooses that exact moment to work through us in remarkable ways.

Just like how a simple shepherd David became a mighty king, or how fishermen became Christ’s apostles, the Lord continues to use ordinary people to do extraordinary things.

Louis’s story reminds us that what we see as our weaknesses, God sees as opportunities to display His perfect strength and divine purpose.

The story began during the Miklovic family’s yearly Labor Day weekend tradition at Washington State Park. The park spreads across 2,000 acres in Washington and Jefferson Counties, filled with hiking trails and scenic spots.

As evening approached, Josh Miklovic took his sons Louis, 12, and Peter, 6, for their usual hike, hoping to finish before dark. They passed their favorite cave and walked along the edge of a bluff when Peter slipped.

What happened next showed a father’s love in action. Josh grabbed Peter in a tight hug and told him, “We’re going down, hold on, it’ll be okay.” They fell 80 feet, with Josh protecting Peter in his arms the whole way down.

The fall knocked Josh unconscious, leaving him with a serious concussion and broken back. Peter was hurt too, but his father’s protective hold had saved him from worse injury.

Louis, who often finds it hard to talk with people because of his autism, proved that God’s strength shows up when we need it most. He ran through the woods and found his way to a road.

By God’s perfect timing, a Missouri State Parks Ranger drove by at that exact moment. Louis told the ranger clearly, “My dad and brother Peter fell off a cliff.” This simple but crucial message made all the difference.

Captain Chris Crider later said something that showed just how important Louis’s help was: “Without Louis’s help, we weren’t going to be able to get them. This would have been a body recovery at that point.”

The thick trees and leaves made it hard to see anything below, but Louis showed the rescuers exactly where to look.

The rescue wasn’t simple. While rescuers could carry Peter up to safety, helping Josh required more work. They had to clear a 100-yard path through thick brush to reach the river.

Then, God provided another blessing – some local boaters came by and helped get Josh to a spot where a helicopter could land.

Because of his brave actions, Louis received the Public Safety Civilian Partnership Award from Governor Mike Parson. His father shared something beautiful about that day: “How he communicates with others is a challenge, but that day it was all clear. That was 100 percent Louis at his finest.”

Captain Crider pointed out how Louis’s Boy Scout training helped him know what to do. “Looking at all his merit badges, you can tell this kid is smart and thinks quickly,” Crider said.

“The way he found his way out of the woods, knew the ranger could help, and explained what happened – that’s really amazing.”

This story shows us something powerful about how God works in our lives. He often uses the things we think hold us back to do amazing things. Louis’s story teaches us to see everyone through God’s eyes, knowing He can work through anyone to help others.

Let’s thank God for protecting this family and for giving Louis the strength he needed at just the right time. Please keep praying for Josh and Peter as they heal from their injuries, and praise God for the miracle He worked through Louis that day.

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Verse of the Day

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.””

Joshua 1:9