Girl With Autism Mistakes Bride for Cinderella, She Showers Her With Kindness

Every little girl loves princesses, and secretly wants to turn into one too, and it was no different for 5-year-old Layla Lester.

She and her mom Jessica were strolling through Akron Falls Park in New York on a lovely autumn day, when she thought she came face to face with a real life princess, Cinderella.

Little Layla has autism and is not comfortable at all in social gatherings, but it didn’t matter to her when she saw the bride dressed in a white gown, because all she knew was that she was the princess and she had to meet her.

“She just goes running over, arms wide open, (yelling) ‘Cinderella, Cinderella!’” Jessica Lester said.

The bride, Olivia Spark, really looked like a princess in her wedding gown, and she could have brushed the little girl off, but she was as beautiful inwards as outwards, and welcomed Layla with open arms, turning Layla’s dreams into reality.

“I was really caught off guard.” Wickins said, “Because there’s a little girl that none of us had known, so I wasn’t sure if I should take pictures. But it kind of just felt like the thing to do.”

The bride said, “I was flattered. I was like in tears that she thought I was a princess, and it just made my day absolutely more amazing than what it already was.”

Since then, Cinderella and her biggest fan have reconnected. Spark showered the little girl with gifts, living up to Disney’s live-action Cinderella who says, “Have courage and be kind.”

“She is the epitome of what a real-life princess would be,” Jessica shared. “She’s kind and she’s sweet and she went out of her way to be nice to Layla.”

This is such an amazing story of kindness being showed to a complete stranger, and it didn’t end here, but a GoFundMe campaign has been created by her community to raise $5,000 so the family can go to Walt Disney World.

Verse of the Day

“But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. My feet have closely followed his steps; I have kept to his way without turning aside.”

Job 23:10-11