Ashley Ness is pregnant with two sets of identical twins, but this blessing has come after a painful period of mourning for the loss of four babies due to miscarriage.

The Bible tells us that our God is the God of recompense. Jeremiah 51:56- “…For the Lord is a God of recompense, He will fully repay. Ashley Ness had earlier lost four babies due to miscarriage, but now she is blessed with the call of motherhood with four new little babies!
Ashley remembers the pain and suffering she and her boyfriend went through before she had her only child- Chanel. She had lost two babies before Chanel. But then again she experienced the miscarriage of two more babies. She said she thanked God for her only child and thought she wasn’t going to have anymore in the future.
She was making up her mind to adopt her boyfriend’s kids after they got married and was content to be a mom to his three kids and Chanel. But all that suddenly changed when Ashley went in for a routine appointment and learned that she was pregnant. But God had a bigger surprise for her.
Ashley was told that she was going to have two sets of identical twins- a set of twin boys and a set of twin girls which is so rare that the possibility of it happening is one in 70 million. Praise the Lord!
She said that all the four babies she had lost have now come back to her. She said her rainbow babies hold so many promises and blessings for her and now she cannot wait to welcome four precious miracles in her arms this fall.
“It’s been amazing. The beginning was very rough, but now I feel great,” she said. Now she and her boyfriend and their kids are excitedly waiting for that day. “I’m technically due Oct. 18, but I will have them between Aug. 9 to the 23rd,” said Ashley.
Presently, her family is now adding to their home to accommodate their new family members arriving this fall as they will be ten in total! What a blessing it is for Ashley and her boyfriend to have four children after saying goodbye to four. God has seen their tears and heartache and is blessing them in such an amazing way.
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