Military Dad Set To Walk 1,200 Miles Barefoot To Save His Daughter’s Life

Army Major Chris Brannigan from Sussex, England is off to another fundraiser where he’ll be walking barefoot again to raise funds to find a cure for his nine-year-old daughter who suffers from a rare disorder.

army dad walks for daughter

Major Brannigan had walked 700 miles around the United Kingdom last year and raised 700,000 dollars that will be used for research for the treatment of Cornelia de Lange syndrome (CdLS).

Doctors had diagnosed his daughter, Hasti, with CdLS, a rare disorder present at birth, in 2019. That prompted the loving father to start his first fundraising effort.

There is nothing under the sun that God cannot do for His children and now that Major Brannigan has decided to raise funds the second time for the clinical trials of the treatment, we are sure God will definitely send him help.

Posted by HopeforHasti on Thursday, 26 August 2021

Major Brannigan will be walking 1,200 miles barefoot carrying a pack weighing 55 pounds, he will be walking from The Jackson Laboratory in Maine south toward North Carolina. What a great challenge he has set for himself as he’s willing to go through suffering for his child.

He’s been moved to do so because of what Hasti is facing due to CdLS, including learning disabilities, growth delays, speech and language difficulties, and seizures.

“It means lots of things that other children find easy are quite difficult for Hasti, it’s quite isolating,” shared Major Brannigan.

The staff at the hospital told Major Brannigan and his wife Hengameh that Hasti would experience worse symptoms during the onset of puberty and so they need to move fast in order to help her.

That has prompted Major Brannigan to walk barefoot and complete his trek in 53 days during which he plans to raise 3.5 million dollars, which will be used for clinical trials to make the treatment available.

1200miles barefoot across the east coast of America

Our Barefoot soldier is back on the road.

Track him…

Posted by HopeforHasti on Wednesday, 8 September 2021

Let us uphold Major Brannigan and his family in our prayers and ask God to help this fundraiser to be a success and help them raise the amount of money they need for their daughter’s treatment.

Psalm 103:13: “As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him.”

Verse of the Day

““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:8-9