Woman Who Was Abandoned As A Baby In Dumpster Tries To Find The Rescuer After Almost 40 years

Amanda Jo Jones was taken aback with the story of a newborn baby, still bloody, who was dumped in a bag and hidden in the woods in Georgia.

Posted by Amanda Jones on Monday, August 12, 2019

Thankfully the baby was safe and put up for adoption, Amanda Jones said, “I saw that baby on TV and wished I could adopt her,” she said. “One less child would grow up feeling abandoned.”

Jones could relate to the baby because she too had been abandoned as an infant in 1983 in a dumpster in a business mall in Atlanta, Georgia. She was rescued and thanks the unknown good Samaritans who found her and ensured she was safe.

She found out that she was named Jan Winter because of the month and season she was found, by nurses at Northside Hospital. Then she was named Crystal Alicia Fairchild by a set of foster parents who watched over her for the first three months, and then she was adopted by Kay and Wayne, who also adopted another daughter, Stephanie.

“My mom read me a book called ‘The Adopted Family’ and she shared bits of information,” Jones said. “I kept asking questions and by the time I was 6, I understood that my mom didn’t birth me.”

Posted by Amanda Jones on Monday, August 12, 2019

Now Jones is 36 and married with kids, she is still trying to find out more information, so in 2019, she took DNA tests to try to find more blood relatives but couldn’t go further. She took to her Facebook, and wrote she “decided to respect the privacy of those involved who wish not to communicate.”

“I still forgive them and hope some day that they reach out to me and heal from all the secrets and pain,” she admitted. “I cannot imagine how carrying a 36-year-old big secret affects someone mentally and physically.”

She is trying to find the good samaritans who helped rescued her from that dumpster and is circulating a Facebook post to help find someone who knows about it. Hi! My name is Amanda Jones,” her post begins. “I am trying to find the person/people who potentially saved my life.”

Posted by Amanda Jones on Monday, August 12, 2019

“I was abandoned as an infant at the Prado Business Mall at 5600 Roswell Rd (in Atlanta/Sandy Springs, GA) in January of 1983. If you have any information, please contact me at babyjanwinter@gmail.com or on FaceBook. Thank You!!!”

“I want to thank whoever found me because they changed so many lives by being in the right place at the right time,” she said. “I would like a first-hand account of what happened because it would brighten my life. I’m hoping one person reads this and says, ‘Oh my gosh, there she is!’”

Incidents like these where babies are abandoned by heartless parents are on the rise and we really hope and pray that Amanda Jo Jones gets to know the rescuers and gets some answers from them.

Verse of the Day

““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

Isaiah 55:8-9