21-Year-Old NBA Star Retires to Follow Jesus and Pursue Ministry

AJ Griffin, a former Atlanta Hawks player, has left the NBA to follow Jesus and pursue full-time ministry.

aj griffin nba ministry

Griffin, who was the 16th pick in the 2022 NBA draft, shared his decision in a heartfelt YouTube video. “I gave up basketball to follow Jesus,” he said. “And I know that, in a lot of people’s eyes, that seems like … a loss in the world’s eyes. But I just want to let you guys know that I’m super excited, because I truly get to serve God … with my full ‘Yes.'”

This bold move comes after just two years in the NBA, where Griffin played for the Atlanta Hawks before being traded to the Houston Rockets. Reports say he agreed to a $250,000 buyout to leave the sport.

The 21-year-old athlete’s faith journey began in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. Griffin explained, “He found me. I gave my life to Christ and it was the best decision of my life, it truly was. I think my values started to change, my heart started to change.” This experience led him to rethink his priorities, shifting his focus from basketball to his newfound faith.

Griffin’s choice has sparked mixed reactions in the sports world. While some are surprised he’s leaving a promising NBA career, others support his commitment to faith.

Jonathan Isaac, an Orlando Magic player and fellow Christian, praised Griffin on social media: “Can’t say I’m not saddened! League lost a really good player and even better dude! I’m so proud of him for his heart and commitment to Christ and putting it on display.”

In the video, Griffin also shared about his personal encounter with God. He said he felt God calling him to step away from basketball. ‘I feel like the Lord was calling me to let go of basketball to truly just serve Him more,’ he explained.

Griffin thanked his supporters for their love and understanding. He said, “To everyone who has supported me along this journey, I just want to say thank you to you because you guys, I truly just see how much you guys truly love me just for me, not just because I play basketball.”

As he starts his new role in ministry, Griffin plans to create content that points people to Christ. “The only thing that truly matters is a relationship with Jesus,” he stated. “I’m just excited to keep doing the work of the Lord.” This sums up Griffin’s main message – that knowing God personally is more important than any worldly success.

As we think about AJ Griffin’s brave choice, we’re reminded of Jesus’ words in Matthew 16:26: “What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?” Griffin’s decision echoes this truth. While worldly success may seem appealing, our ultimate goal should be to secure our place in God’s kingdom.

Jesus taught us to “store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal” (Matthew 6:20). Griffin’s choice to leave the NBA for ministry shows this principle in action.

It challenges us to evaluate our own priorities and ask ourselves: Are we living for short-term earthly rewards or eternal heavenly ones?

In Luke 10:20, Jesus tells His disciples to rejoice not because spirits submit to them, but because their names are written in heaven. Similarly, our greatest joy should come from our relationship with God and the assurance of eternal life, not from worldly achievements.

As we go about our daily lives, let’s strive to make choices that align with God’s will and further His kingdom, even if it means giving up things the world deems valuable.

Let’s pray for AJ Griffin as he starts this new journey in ministry. May God use him to touch lives and share Christ’s love with others.

WATCH: AJ Griffin Talks about his Faith and Retirement

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Verse of the Day

“Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”

Psalm 37:4