Hero Young Man Carries Injured Grandma on His Back for 3 Hours

A 20-year-old Air Force Airman carried an injured 79-year-old woman on his back for three hours down a steep mountain trail.

airman carries injured grandma

Ursula Bannister, a grandmother from Tacoma, Washington, set out on August 28 for her yearly hike to High Rock Lookout. This 3.2-mile trail near Ashford is special to her, as it’s where she scattered her mother’s ashes 23 years ago. Even though the trail is tough, Bannister felt sure of herself as an experienced hiker.

But things didn’t go as planned. On her way back down, Bannister stepped in a hole and fell. The fall broke her leg in three places – her tibia, fibula, and heel bone. Stuck and in pain, she called for help.

Several hikers heard her cries, including Troy May, a 20-year-old U.S. Air Force Airman from Joint Base Lewis-McChord. May was at the lookout with his fiancé and a friend when they heard Bannister’s call for help.

When they learned that rescue teams would take at least five hours to arrive, May made a quick decision. He offered to carry Bannister down the mountain on his back.

“I knew I could carry her down,” May said. “I didn’t think much about it. I just knew I had to do it if I could.”

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Courtesy: Ursula Bannister

What followed was a tough three-hour journey down the steep trail. May carried Bannister most of the way, with his friend, Layton Allen, helping when needed. Other hikers pitched in too, turning the rescue into a team effort.

A physical therapist on the trail made a splint for Bannister’s leg using wood scraps. An occupational therapist helped her with breathing exercises to manage the pain. When May’s boots started hurting his feet, a stranger gave him his own shoes.

As they hiked down, May and the others talked with Bannister to distract her from the pain. She shared stories about growing up in Germany and moving to the United States in 1959 when she was 14.

“When I focused on talking, I didn’t scream as much,” Bannister said. “I think we were all helping each other stay strong.”

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Courtesy: Ursula Bannister

At the parking lot, Allen drove Bannister to Tacoma General Hospital, two hours away. May followed in his car. They stayed at the hospital until Bannister’s son arrived, making sure she was safe before leaving.

Bannister felt overwhelmed with thanks for her rescuers. “These people were like angels from heaven,” she said. “I’m so grateful they were willing to help me.”

Doctors at the hospital confirmed Bannister’s leg was broken in three places. They praised the splint made on the trail, saying it likely prevented more damage. A week later, Bannister had surgery and now has 11 screws and a titanium plate in her leg.

News of Bannister’s rescue spread quickly, touching many hearts. The U.S. Air Force recognized May’s actions, giving him an Air Force Achievement Medal on September 9. They also shared his story on their website.

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U.S. Air Force Airman Troy May

For Bannister, the kindness she received meant more than the pain of her injury. “The kindness was worth more than the broken leg,” she said. “It showed me how we’re all connected.”

As she recovers, Bannister keeps in touch with May and the others who helped her. She believes they’ll be friends for a long time.

This story of kindness reminds us how much we can impact each other’s lives. It shows that even in our darkest moments, help can come from unexpected places. May’s selfless act, along with everyone else who helped on the trail, shows what it means to love our neighbors as ourselves.

Let’s learn from this story and be ready to help others in need, just like Troy May helped Ursula Bannister.

Let’s pray for Ursula to heal fully and for blessings on all who helped her. May we also ask for courage to be Christ’s hands and feet in our own communities, ready to help when needed.

WATCH: Hero Carries Injured Elderly Woman on his Back for 3 Hours

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Verse of the Day

“A person finds joy in giving an apt reply— and how good is a timely word!”

Proverbs 15:23