9/11 Survivor Shares Harrowing Story Of Getting Out Of World Trade One Tower

Today we solemnly remember the day our country was attacked in the most horrible way on September 11, or 9/11. Four coordinated terrorist attacks by the militant Islamist terrorist group al-Qaeda were carried out against the United States of America on the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001.

Linda Randazzo was on the 35th floor of World Trade Center Tower 1 on the morning of September 11, 2001, and she tells the story of what she went through and how she got out of the tower before it collapsed that day.

911 survivor testimony Linda Randazzo

She said it was just another day when the alarm went off and she got ready to go to work at World Trade Center Tower 1. She didn’t know that her whole world was going to change that morning when she got in at 8:30 am at work.

Suddenly her desk shook and shifted from the wall and it was like nothing they had ever felt before. Soon the sirens went off and everyone looked at each other and were waiting for the announcements of what to do next.

Her supervisor and manager came through and said that they have to go. They were starting to funnel when Linda realized that her best friend Edith wasn’t with them. She had gone to the ladies’ room and she funneled the opposite direction to make sure she was okay.

But as they entered the hallway the smell was unreal and they thought a gas line had exploded, and when they passed the elevator’s doors it was sucked in like a C-shape. They kept going and landed near the ladies’ room and she told her boss that she wanted to make sure Edith was okay.

Her boss opened up the ladies’ door and no one was there so they went down the stairs which was an external stairway and they didn’t know it was a plane until someone called their spouse. It was amazingly calm the way people stood and funneled information back to each other.

She remembers a gentleman at her back who was nudging her and she leaned on her faith as hard as she could lean. All Linda wanted to do at that moment was to go home and see her family. She had a lot of pain in her back and her legs were going numb as they were on the 35th floor which is like two full flights of 14 and 14 before getting to the landing.

She told God “I know you are busy right now but I cannot do it without you, because everything is hurting and could you walk with me?”She said she is a firm believer in angels and asked God to send someone to help her. Suddenly a feeling of everything is going to be okay washed over her and it felt like someone placed a hand on the small of her back and stood her straight.

There was no more pain and tingling and she couldn’t feel anything and she walked and continued to walk. The information kept coming up the stairway When they got to the bottom she remembered every fireman’s face walking up the stairs while she was going down. The older ones had a solemn look they didn’t want to have an expression but you could see in their eyes that they knew they weren’t coming down.

When she got to the bottom there was an officer there looking up for debris and told them to run out the door and not to come back for anything they dropped. At the door, the cops and EMS center people were ushering them away from the building. Linda saw Edith standing there and she said she wanted to come to look for her but they wouldn’t let her and Linda told her she was looking for her and they hugged.

Let this inspiring story of Linda’s faith coming through for her amid a terrible situation encourage you and uplift you today.

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Verse of the Day

“But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. My feet have closely followed his steps; I have kept to his way without turning aside.”

Job 23:10-11