Woman Turns 100 And Credits Her Long Life To God

This woman from Maryland who turned 100 recently credits her long life to God.


Martha Bailey, one of the world’s centenarians, was born in 1922 and was raised in Virginia. She grew up singing in church and was known for her beautiful voice. This amazing woman has only one daughter but has five grandkids, and a bunch of great-grandkids, WUSA-TV reported.

“It’s a huge blessing, and we are thankful we have our mom that long. She is doing very well, she is not wheelchair-bound or anything,” Diane Stratton, her daughter, said. “We are just thankful to God. It’s a blessing.”

Martha’s healthy lifestyle plays a big part in her 100 years of existence. She says no to smoking and drinking and enjoys life as well. “I think she is absolutely wonderful, she also has a great sense of humor, too,” Diane added.

But, more than having a healthy lifestyle and sense of humor, Martha attributes her long life to this secret. “The secret is the grace of God living in me and me trying to live the best life that I could,” she told WUSA-TV. “The secret is loving the Lord.”

Evangelist Franklin Graham also praised Martha for the reason behind her longevity. He posted on Facebook his appreciation for this faith-filled grandma. He wrote, “I would say that’s a great recipe for life! Happy 100th Birthday, Mrs. Bailey—and we hope you have many more! God bless you!”

Mrs. Martha Bailey just turned 100 years old, and she still looks great and gets around on her own without a wheelchair!…

Posted by Franklin Graham on Tuesday, 1 February 2022

It’s not every day one meets a centenarian. Centenarians are quite rare nowadays. But, there’s another Christian who celebrated his 100th birthday a few months back, Christian Headlines reported. Pastor Jack Hetzel of Big Sandy United Methodist Church told Tyler Morning Telegraph, “I believe I’m going to go to 112 (years old), but I’m ready to go anytime.” He added, “God has been so good to me to live 100 years.”

Every day is a gift from God. Whether one gets to live up to 100 or maybe, for just briefly ten years, He gives more than enough grace for us to not just exist, but to celebrate each day.

“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24

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Verse of the Day

“But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold. My feet have closely followed his steps; I have kept to his way without turning aside.”

Job 23:10-11